February 20, 2021

We human beings really are designed to be Temples of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor 6:19), but because the evil one is cunning, baffling and powerful, we collapse, cave into ourselves, and self-destruct.  Indeed, just like the tragic events of 587 B.C., our temples become desecrated as we permit the profane to infect the sacred, that deepest part of ourselves, the innermost center of the temple, reserved for our one true Beloved.  This is when we ought to recall that the Temple in Jerusalem was set up in such a way that one had to pass through the Altar of Sacrifice in order to get to that intimate place, the Holy of Holies. We must simply learn to insist that all of the sensory experiences, ideas, relationships, etc. that want access to our deep selves be purified by Christ crucified who dwells within us and makes us safe by the constant sacrifice he offers on our behalf.  When will we finally believe that we are in fact Temples of the Holy Spirit?  When will we finally remember that we are made for intimacy with the Beloved?  When will we finally trust that the Cross is the sacrificial key to the door of our inner room (cf. Mt 6:6)?  When will we finally start living an authentic human life? Ave Crux, Spes Unica.

5 thoughts on “February 20, 2021

  1. “I live, no longer I, but Christ who lives in me.” The father of the prodigal son can say now “this son of mine as dead (he lived a life of illusion), and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.” This is not accomplished alone. He can see and hear all the loved ones who have made this possible. I can not comprehend anymore of a humbling experience in life. Truly stripped of everything for anastasis. God bless you and thank you.

    1. Peace to you brother, shalom. What I love about the prodigal son allusion is how the story images the Temple so well. In order for the younger son to get back into the Father’s house (the Holy of Holies), he must cross the threshold and die to self (ego), symbolized by the fattened calf getting slaughtered. What you say about this not being accomplished alone is so true! Indeed, Christ is the paschal sacrifice who makes passing over the limits of the self and entry into new life possible. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you. One of the best books I’ve ever read and continue to read is Philemon’s Problem a Theology of Grace by James Tunstead Burtchaell. It helps me navigate illusion, ego, bad decisions made by others that effect the collective and all sorts of evil. When I truly committed to discipleship these things hurt me deeply. Before I would just shrug them off. Burtchaell book helps me to discern and navigate which allows the Holy Spirit’s grace to take over.

  3. This sensitivity reeks of conversion! I think that as our lives and journeys unfold we are invited to face patterns of our being that are not conducive to life. The awareness, analysis, acceptance and working out of them is the cross – a purifying and continual process that makes us purer and purer and more accessible the living God. Peace to you on this way brother! Your commitment inspires me.

  4. Thank you. The ongoing conversion! “Invited to face patterns of our being that are not conducive to life.” Never heard of this before. This is so helpful for me when I witness or confront things that upset me so. Thanks so much.

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